Themed Online Workshops
During monthly themed online workshops, presenters from T2GS teams and related organizations provide insight on topics such as practices, governance, and ideologies associated with groundwater sustainability in their case study locations. Hover over the images on each page to read about and listen to excerpts from these presentations.
Socio-Technical Tinkering
May 2021
Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum, Tavengwa Chitata, and Irene Leonardelli describe the concept of socio-technical tinkering with a focus on the Rufaro Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe and Pondhe in Maharashtra, India.
Race Towards Water 'Security'
June 2021
Uma Aslekar, Rucha Deshmukh, Sneha Bhat, Sachin Bhopal, and Simran Sumbre present reflections on their fieldwork in Ravangaon, India, including the hydrogeological setting, insights on water use practices, and their application of a feminist political ecology lens.
Circularity & Recharge
February 2021
Uma Aslekar, Brian Lockwood, and Amine Saidani describe circularity and share practices of recharge in Randullabad, India, Pajaro Valley, U.S.A., and M’Zab Valley, Algeria.
The California Imaginary
July 2020
Linnea Beckett, Sheeva Sabati, and Vivian Underhill conceptualize "The California Imaginary" from the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys in California, U.S.A. while Marcel Kuper, Pierre-Louis Mayaux, and Ahmed Benmihoub connect the concept internationally in North Africa.
November 2020
Frances Cleaver, Mohamed Naouri, Tarik Hartani, and Marcel Kuper present the concept of bricolage, generally, and with their case studies in the Upper Pangani River Basin in Tanzania and Algeria's M'Zab Valley.