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Tanzania Team


Lowe Börjeson

Principal Investigator 


Professor of Human Geography

Lowe Börjeson is an associate professor in Human Geography. He has a broad interest in society-environmental relations and extensive experience from research on landscape history, smallholder livelihoods, rural development and environmental change on the African continent. He holds a position as university lecturer at the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University. During the academic year 2019-2020 he was on a sabbatical leave as a visiting scholar at the Environmental Department, University of California, Santa Cruz.


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Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum

Water Engineer 

Social Scientist 

Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum is a water engineer and a social scientist. She holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Water Governance in the department of Integrated Water Systems and Governance at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Jeltsje has  fiveteen years professional experience in research, teaching and project management.


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Hans Komakech

Project Partner Researcher

Hans C. Komakech is a Senior Lecturer at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) Arusha, Tanzania. Hans is currently the Centre Director of WISE – Futures (Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures), one of the East and Southern African Higher Education Centres of Excellences (ACE II) initiated by the World Bank. Hans research interests are in the areas of surface and groundwater management, irrigation development, urban water and sanitation management.​


Frances Cleaver

Principal Investigator


Professor of Political Ecology

Frances Cleaver is Professor of Political Ecology at the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University.  Her research is concerned with how we can understand natural resource governance in order to inform progressive social change. Institutions really matter in social and political life – they are the rules (often implicit) and arrangements through which people organize their lives, access resources and give order and meaning to their world. Critically, they are also channels through which power is exercised, reproduced and challenged. Working from a political ecology perspective Frances is particularly interested in how institutions shape the governance of water, land and forests, and impact on people’s livelihoods.


See here for a personal and professional biography:


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Chris de Bont

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chris de Bont has been a postdoctoral researcher for the T2GS project at the Department of Human Geography of Stockholm University since December 2018. With previous field work in Nepal, Egypt and Tanzania, her research has always focused on irrigation and water management in the Global South. She perceives irrigated areas as socio-technical waterscapes, in which people, technology and natural resources are entangled beyond separation. In her current and previous research, she has studied farmers' roles in (re-)shaping irrigation technology and institutions and how these processes interact with larger development policies and ideas of modernity/modernisation. She is currently based at the Nelson Mandela African Institution for Science and Technology in Arusha, Tanzania, and leads the field work efforts for the Tanzanian T2GS team together with Dr. Hans Komakech.​

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Ebrania Mlimbila

Research Assistant

Ebrania Mlimbila holds a BA in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Dodoma, Tanzania. Since 2016 he has been working with numerous researchers from Europe and Africa as a Research Assistant, mostly in the field of Water Resource Management.


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Kerstin Joseph

Research Assistant

Kerstin is a research assistant at WISE Futures (Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures), which is hosted by the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) Arusha. She holds a bachelor's degree in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of Dar es Salaam. She has worked with researchers from Europe and Africa in areas of Agriculture, Sanitation and Water.​

The project Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability is financially supported by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Transformations to Sustainability, which is co-funded by NWO, ANR, VR, UKRI-ESRC, NSF, ISC and the European Commission through Horizon 2020.

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