Peru Team
María Teresa Oré
Assistant Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
María Teresa Oré is currently a Sociology doctorate candidate, and holds a Master's degree in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). She was assistant professor and member of the Board of Directors in the Water Resources Master Program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, coordinator of the Environmental and Society Studies Group of the Department of Social Sciences and coordinator of the interdisciplinary project “State and Water Scarcity in the Ica River Basin”. Besides the PUCP she has taught at universities in Lima, Bogotá, Cali, Quito and Sao Paulo. Her publications include books: Agua, bien común y usos privados (2005), El agua ante nuevos desafíos, Actores e iniciativas en Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia” (2009, Oré, Del Castillo, Van Orsel,Voz) the edition of some books like, Escasez del agua en la cuenca del rio Ica ? ( 2014, Oré & Damonte) Aguas en disputa. Ica y Huancavelica entre el enfrentamiento y el diálogo (2018, Oré& Muñoz) in addition to various articles in Peruvian and international books and journals. For the T2GS Project she focuses on the politics of groundwater extraction in the Ica Valley, looking in particular at the impacts large agribusiness have on urban water supply and the water-based livelihoods of small farmers.
Andres Verzijl
Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University
Andres Verzijl is a Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University where he is involved in teaching and thesis supervision on environment and sustainable development issues. For his research he uses actor-network theory as an approach and research attitude to study water realties and their fluidity in Asian deltas and the Andean region. Related to the T2GS project, his research focuses on practices of water harvesting and grassroots initiatives of groundwater recharge – including social movements – as versions of environmental care in both Peru and South India.
Carolina Domínguez-Guzmán
Ph.D. Candidate
Carolina Domínguez-Guzmán is currently finishing her PhD dissertation at the Anthropology department at the University of Amsterdam. She writes about complexities and the ways water is enacted as a singular, coherent and universal object that clashes with the diversity of agricultural and irrigation practices of small farmers in Peru. Her work draws on feminist science and technology studies, material semiotics and anthropology. Her recent publications and interests include ontological politics, irrigation technologies and processes, and caring for water and infrastructure. In the T2GS project, she is interested in exploring human and groundwater inter-actions through the ethnographic study of ‘pozas’, an ancient irrigation technology that is currently being used for export agriculture, in Northern Peru.