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Nomadic Researchers

T2GS Researchers Working Across Multiple Case Studies

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Margreet Zwarteveen

Principal Investigator

Professor of Water Governance

Margreet Zwarteveen is an irrigation engineer and social scientist, who joined IHE Delft in 2014 to become its professor of Water Governance, within the Water Governance Department. Her professorial affiliation is with the Governance and Inclusive Development Group at the UvA. Margreet’s work focuses on understanding the dynamic interactions between water and society, as mediated by infrastructures, institutions and meanings. She is particularly interested in questions of (gender)justice in relation to water.


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Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum

Water Engineer 

Social Scientist 

Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum is a water engineer and a social scientist. She holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Water Governance in the department of Integrated Water Systems and Governance at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Jeltsje has  fiveteen years professional experience in research, teaching and project management.


Teams: Tanzania and Zimbabwe



Muna Dajani

Postdoctoral Researcher

Muna holds an MSc in International Development and Environment from the University of Manchester and a BSc in Civil Engineering from Birzeit University in Palestine. For over 9 years, Muna has worked in the fields of environment and development in Palestine, working with grassroots initiatives, NGOs, universities and governmental bodies on social and environmental assessments, hydropolitics, advocacy and community participation. She is a policy member at Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network. She has contributed to research such as The Hydro-political Baseline of the Upper Jordan River  (UEA), and Transboundary Climate Security: Climate Vulnerability and Rural Livelihoods in the Jordan River Basin (LSE and Birzeit University).



Tavengwa Chitata





Frances Cleaver

Principal Investigator


Professor of Political Ecology

Frances Cleaver is Professor of Political Ecology at the Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University.  Her research is concerned with how we can understand natural resource governance in order to inform progressive social change. Institutions really matter in social and political life – they are the rules (often implicit) and arrangements through which people organize their lives, access resources and give order and meaning to their world. Critically, they are also channels through which power is exercised, reproduced and challenged. Working from a political ecology perspective Frances is particularly interested in how institutions shape the governance of water, land and forests, and impact on people’s livelihoods.


See here for a personal and professional biography:


Teams: Tanzania and Zimbabwe


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Marcel Kuper, Ph.D.

Principal InvestigatorSenior Irrigation Scientist 

Marcel Kuper (Ph.D. / Habil.) is a senior irrigation scientist at the Joint Research Unit on Water Governance, Actors, Uses (Umr G-Eau / Cirad) in Montpellier (France) and a Visiting Professor at the Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Institute Hassan II in Rabat (Morocco). His research engages with actors, institutions and infrastructures in irrigation systems.


Teams: Algeria and Morocco


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Cristian Olmos Herrera

Postdoctoral Researcher

Cristian Olmos Herrera is an architect and urban designer with a PhD in Development Planning and MSc Building & Urban Design in Development from the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London. His research focus on the hydrosocial territories and indigenous communities in the context of territorial fragmentation due mining expansion in northern Chile. Through the use of visual methods, Cristian has been examined and visualised narratives of everyday water practices in order to reveal spatial networks of people, institutions, and technology making visible the political economy of water, focusing particularly on issues of unequal access.


Team: Chile 


The project Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability is financially supported by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Transformations to Sustainability, which is co-funded by NWO, ANR, VR, UKRI-ESRC, NSF, ISC and the European Commission through Horizon 2020.

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