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Algeria Team


Marcel Kuper

Principal Investigator


Senior Irrigation Scientist 

Marcel Kuper (Ph.D. / Habil.) is a senior irrigation scientist at the Joint Research Unit on Water Governance, Actors, Uses (Umr G-Eau / Cirad) in Montpellier (France) and a Visiting Professor at the Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Institute Hassan II in Rabat (Morocco). His research engages with actors, institutions and infrastructures in irrigation systems.



Ahmed Benmihoub, Ph.D.

Applied Economics Researcher

Ahmed BENMIHOUB, researcher at CREAD (Algeria), specializes in agricultural and rural development issues. He holds PHD in agronomic sciences, specializing in rural economy, from ENSA (Algiers, 2015) and a PHD in sociology from Paris-Ouest University (France, 2016). Associate editor of the New Medit Journal (CIHEAM-IAM of Bari in Italy). His main research topics: agricultural sustainability, innovation dynamics, agrarian transformation, economics of natural resources and the environment, risk and vulnerability, governance of food security.


Research member of current international research projects:

Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability: joint learnings from human-groundwater interactions – T2GS, (ANR project)

Integrating multiple water sources and local institutions for enhanced food security in North Africa’s hinterland by reinforcing agricultural & rural innovation systems. Project coordinated by CIRAD (France) and financed by IFAD.



Tarik Hartani

Senior Agricultural Water Management Scientist 

Tarik Hartani is a Doctor of the "Paris Central School" (France).  In 1997, he joined the " National School of Agronomy" in Algeria then the "Tipaza University" in 2014 as a Professor. His researches turns around issues of water governance and irrigation in North Africa with a particular interest in development activities. During the five last years, he carried publications dealing with the groundwater use in arid zones of Algeria. Besides this, he is involved in the education of bachelors, masters and Doctorates at the university and contribute as a member of the editorial board of many Algerian and regional scientific journals.



Mohamed Naouri

Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohamed Naouri has a double background in professional and research fields. He started his research journey in 2015 with a PhD project focusing on irrigation innovation networks in the greenhouse horticulture field and then joined the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj as an Assistant Professor. Prior to this position, he worked at the Algerian Group for Rural Engineering (GGR) as State Project Manager.


Sustainable development, water management and innovation systems are in the center of his interest. He has published several research articles and book chapters on innovation systems, youth mobility and agricultural development in the North African region.



Amine Saidani

Ph.D. Student

Amine Saidani, is an agricultural engineer of the national institute of agronomy of Algiers (ENSA; Algeria) in 2010 and obtained his MSc in irrigation and water control at IAV Hassan II (Morocco) in 2011. He worked as an engineer during 2 years then as an independent consultant in the agricultural and the water fields in Algeria until 2019. Since this date, He came back to research. He is a Ph.D. student in water sciences in a cotutelle between IAV Hassan II (Morocco) and SupAgro (France). His thesis is carried in the framework the Belmont project 'T2GS', and his research mainly concerns the circularity of water in the oasis context in Algeria, with a multidisciplinary character.



Meriem Farah Hamamouche


Meriem Farah HAMAMOUCHE is a junior water management and agronomy researcher. She is the founder of and manager of BRDA (Agricultural Research and Development office) and associated researcher at CIRAD (France). She obtained her Ph.D. in water sciences in a cotutelle between IAV Hassan II and AgroParisTech in 2017, MSc in irrigation and water control at IAV Hassan II in 2012 and graduated as an agricultural engineer at ENSA, El Harrach (Algeria) in 2011.


Her research focuses mainly on water governance and agricultural innovation in the North Africa with a multidisciplinary kind.



Sara Bekaddour

Ph.D. Student

Sara BEKADDOUR is an agricultural engineer specializing in agricultural hydraulics and water science. She studied at the level of the National Higher School of Agronomy of Algiers - Algeria. Currently she is PhD student in agricultural hydraulics and I am working on the reuse of wastewater in agriculture an arid environment.


The project Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability is financially supported by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Transformations to Sustainability, which is co-funded by NWO, ANR, VR, UKRI-ESRC, NSF, ISC and the European Commission through Horizon 2020.

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